Rubberband ball competition

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Rubber Band Ball News

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History (the story of 2 guys, some rubberbands, and a dream)

Oh and see our internet talkshow at

    It all started one day that I got the idea to make a rubber band ball sometime in March 2005. It was only about 2 inches tall when I brought it to school and Cody saw it and he was inspired by its greatness. A few weeks later he in PE he announced that he had made a rubber band ball only it was only about an inch tall. He then told me that he would be willing to go in on one rubber band ball. The rubber band balls are 100% rubber bands.

   Kaleb kept forgetting to bring his ball to school so Cody could take it home and add his rubberbands to it. Cody ended up buying some rubberbands and adding them to his so that they both had the same size ball. Somehow or another a competition to see who could make the biggest ball first started. Cody jumped to a quick lead while Kaleb was slow starting. now both have balls over 10 pounds. Cody's is a little farther over the 10 pounds than Kaleb but still...

   Kaleb's Ball soon got a name, Fredward an ancient hybrid name from biblical times. From Fred meaning can't think of a better name and Edward meaning man of great power. It took Cody longer to decide what he would call his rubberband ball but he finally decided. His decision was to call the ball Jr. a short and simple name. He decided to name his ball Jr. because it was like a Jr. to him. complicated, great, people stop and marvel at at... that sort of thing. However he won't be calling it Cody Jr. because he thinks that sounds stupid so it is just Jr.

   Well we have a new school year... our science teacher has a lepard gecko named... you guessed it... Fredward... I am thinking about taking Fredward in and do experiments on him like denisty by water displacement. I might even take a picture of the ball with the lizard.


Pick who you think is going to win the current challenge and send your donations to help him reach the goal. keep in mind small bands will no longer work. spend a buck or two at your local office supply store and send some rubberbands to whichever one of us you choose. Kaleb or Cody. just E-mail us and will give you the adress. Any donations are apprectiated. just a couple bands or a full pound. We appreciate it. don't get me wrong though. we appreciate a pound more than 2-3 single bands.

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November 29, 2005- Wow I still have this site... awsome. Well I took Pics of Fredward and he is looking a little old. HE NEEDS NEW BANDS!!! I need to get some money and get them... oh well... I am not sure on the where-a-bouts of Cody's ball. He says no bands have been added... ok. I also made a forum that branches off from the yahoo group... if you are interested in or you have a rubber band ball please visit and join.

Well that is all fom Kaleb

June 30, 2005- If you are new to this site PLEASE sign the guestbook, you don't even have to put your email adress it is just for me to see how many new people come to the site! Hopefuly the balls will reach greatness soon and more people will come. If you have any questions or comments please email us! Thanks Kaleb and Cody  

Count as of April 20, 2005



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Last updated July 7, 2005 whatever EST By Cody